Fight, Fall, Fail. Repeat Until You Succeed!

We often struggle in our lives, personally and professionally, assume how much we deserve for our efforts, and fight for what we thought was our rightful recognition. We would work for a goal and expect to achieve it because throughout the process a voice keeps convincing that our efforts are good enough and should not go to waste. Unfortunately, when the outcome doesn’t come out as expected, we fall into an abyss of self-degradation.

There also comes a time when you think your inspiration and your drive to work is lost. Failure can do damage to your working spirit. Even hearing try again annoys you because of the feeling ‘didn’t I try already?’ But this is the time when you have to prove it to yourself, yourself and not the rest of the world that you have what it takes to find the courage to face previous failure. That’s the irony about Failure, it will hurt you upon hearing it but provide you with the greatest opportunity to start anew, make the right decision from the time where you went wrong. It doesn’t have to mean that you were wrong or got unfair results even after you played by the rules, but you can observe and learn where you lacked before and make amends.

Life is the name of staying alive and making effort every new day. Every new day gives you a fresh beginning, and with new beginnings you get to make the impossible into possible. Life is a constant cycle of Fight and Fall, you work hard for something, you fail. You stand up, compare your work with those above you, observe and imagine yourself with their perspective to be able to understand what did they have or saw what you didn’t, and you learn. Never feel inferior. Never underestimate your work. And never leave your work in the middle after getting disheartened. Fight till the end, and bring your work to its destination, don’t drop it midway, don’t absolutely give up until you are dead sure that you have hit a dead end, and even then, find the silver lining. The ones who inspire you today were once in your place, but they took the necessary step that earned them your appreciation today.

Life is not always about fair decisions, sometimes it does happen when you might have been worthy of a certain reward but didn’t achieve it. It means that something greater than what you expect is waiting for you in the future, but only if you don’t give up and stand after the fall.

Life is also about appreciating the efforts and decisions you make, and having faith in yourself. You only hit a dead end if you believe you did otherwise no road is ever closed, you just have to pave your own way. Sometimes you won’t achieve the same results following dot to dot with those who accomplished big things on the same road, you will have to break your own chains to stand out and better than them. Look back to your achievements and your demise, laugh on your fall but never take pity, stand up again and build yourself stronger than before. Keep moving and keep fighting!

The article is inspired by the author’s self experience and wishes to everyone out there that they find their inspiration. “Inspiration was once lost on me as well, and it really is a struggle to get motivated again, but I strive towards the bigger picture, the bigger ACHIEVEMENT.” -F

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