Scared Souls

Is our parental guide accurate or are we forcing our children to be cowards and liars by being intimidating upon them?
Give it a read and share your thoughts on how we can remove the toxicity from among our homes.

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While growing up we are taught to be scared,sacred of so and so just to force a kid to eat something or to go for sleep(it might be just for the sake of kid but even than it left traces).

However a time come where the fear of position, numbers and results come and so many more,
Slowly and steadily it grows and grows and a time come when kids have grown up and this triggers, Now we are scared of being who we are, scared of being accepted by this society, scared of self realization, scared of failures, scared of what will people say, scared of disagreements, sacred of disrespect, scared of self discovery. We are taught to live with a blindfold, and to firmly tied across our eyes, Aren’t we?
We have been escaping since we start pleasing people, How far we do that? how long we hurt…

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1 thought on “Scared Souls

  1. very true and thought provoken. Same here, some childhood memories regarding scaring still do exist in my mind. Keep writing Farheen Good Luck to you.


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