Who Am I?

Who am I? Have you ever questioned yourself who are you and why do you do whatever you are doing? Do you question yourself if you are satisfied with the way things are taking place in your life? And what does it mean when someone says ‘Find yourself, find where your true passion lies, find what makes you happy’?

There is a string of questions linked to this one phrase “Finding Yourself” that occurs to us every now and then. Sometimes it helps us with viewing our life decisions with different perspectives, and sometime it just dis-balances our entire thought process where we end up saying ‘I wish I would’ve done it that way and may be today my life would’ve been different’. We tend to believe how society portrays that everyone has different levels of personalities, the one we put on when with friends and families, the one we put on in work events, and the one we keep it to ourselves and visit when we isolate ourselves from the outer world. The many layers of human existence, like many philosophers debated. But which one of these layers is where you can find your True Self?

I believe that the utmost lowest layer of our existence holds our deepest desires attached with, one which we wish to act upon but are afraid of facing the reality. It holds our deepest secrets that no-one must know. But does it hold the true essence to my personality or my existence? In my case, I would say no, because what I feel or think in my alone time is no reality, like mentioned before hand, it is an unfulfilled desire. What I want to wield as my strongest expression cannot be based on unruly desires, it should be what I achieve beyond restraining them.

Secondly, I believe what inspires you has a great effect on who you are. When you are inclined to a thought, or a field of work, or any other area that inspires you to make an effort for, that’s what makes a big part of your personality. Inspiration plays a very important role in our lives unknowingly, and it is up to us who we choose as our inspiration in the process of building up ourselves.

There is no perfect or right answer to the question Who am I because we all our unique in personalities and different from each one of us in one way or another, and hence perceive this question in our own different ways. It is no battle with your own self or any other being for what it may concern, it is a mystery that awaits you all your life, a fog that is waiting to be lifted. The only concern that matters is if you have answered yourself or are in pursuit of the answer or not?

Feel free to share your thoughts down in comment section on how do you explore this question and what is your thought process to conquer the answer. Until next time, -F.

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