I Can’t OR I Won’t?

I can’t do it or I don’t want to do it? This is a question I face almost every single day with every other decision I make. I can’t plan to walk outside because it’s raining, but I won’t do anything else in it’s stead because I’m not in a mood to do otherwise.

There is a fine line between the choices “I can’t do this” and “I won’t do this”, except often at times we confuse ourselves thinking “it’s impossible for me to do” when I simply won’t make an effort. This attitude is one of the main reasons I’m here writing down my thoughts because I ‘can’ and it’s perfectly possible for me to adjust my routine around it. But this attitude may also be one of the reasons of our guilt which we don’t realize right away, but later down the road one day it occurs to us that the change was possible but willingness to do so was lacking.

“You cannot do anything unless you allow your passion to motivate you. People may tell you, “you can do it”, “you can make it” “it’s possible” but when you tell yourself always ” I can’t make it”, it’s your choice that rules everything!”

― israelmore ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes


So how do you identify the line between ‘I can’t’ and ‘I won’t’? It’s pretty simple. The word can’t is a lame excuse when you are not willing to make a change for yourself. There is absolutely no other way for you to find out whether you can do a certain thing or not unless you don’t give it a shot. The key is to try first. Adopt the motto ‘Never say never’ and do whatever you think you want to do because nothing is impossible! Then see if you want to do it again, not because you did or didn’t fail at it, but because you find joy in it and is serving your purpose. That’s where you will find yourself on the line ‘I won’t’ and you can decide now that you are able to perform a task but choose to rather not.

The importance of distinguishing between the two said phases is that you don’t resent the missing action in your life because of your incompetency or the inability to accept and make a change to your habits and don’t blame it on your capacity of fulfilling a challenge because you underestimated yourself. Change is important, not because you are growing up and facing a practical world, but because you can’t live a monotonous routine throughout your life. Step out of your shell, shake things a bit, go beyond your limits to reach your full potential. Don’t let mere words set heavy on your actions, because your actions will speak louder than your thoughts.

-Signing off, until next time.

6 thoughts on “I Can’t OR I Won’t?

  1. Naila Chaudhary August 25, 2020 — 4:27 pm

    Where there is a will there is a way, You can’t chase anything unless you have strong will,So
    You are the game changer, And for you “Can’t” doesn’t exist.Allow yourself to break the barriers that lies inside✨

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly! Well said. The “Can’t” is only a verbal barrier that one must get across to achieve great things.


  2. Sometimes it is “I cannot AND will not.” ha ha

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It sure is XD sometimes the adamant will to not do something does rule out the ‘can do’, but isn’t that the whole point, to change that.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The point is free choice.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Well said!

        Liked by 1 person

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