The Mysterious Working Of Our Minds


You are all set to work, your workstation is laid out according to the need of the job done, and you also brewed yourself a cup of beverage to get your mind kickstarting, and just like that the mind decides to take a tour to the wonderland. And just how everyone can relate sleep crises when the mind starts playing the worst memories of our lives and even though we have stepped out of that timeframe, we still relive the guilt or shame from that time, and the one thing we say to ourselves, ‘If I could do it that way…’.

The mind is supposedly said the most vital and strongest organ of our bodies because without the brain we can’t function. But has it ever occurred to you that the mind is also the most traitorous part of yourself, unlike the heart which is famous to follow and get broken? The blast from the past all of a sudden? It’s like the mind has a mind of its own and plans to ruin our mood at our weakest moments.

See here’s the fun fact, we never embrace our pasts and those memories, and always push it aside as bad memory, a wrong decision, or ‘time will heal the sore wound, I should move on!’. Yes! time will heal but are you taking the necessary measures to move on? Rebounds mean nothing if you know that in the next 5 years it’s going to come back to you as a sour memory right before you were about to sleep.

Mental health is one of the biggest issues our masses suffer in silence because you or I tried to bury the bad memory deep in the conscience. It starts with the smaller things, but with the time you start burying bigger deeper secrets. The mind is a powerful weapon you need the most to wield the right way and survive in this world. If you let your demons rule over the mind, the past will never let you live in the present. That is why when you sat in front of your work even with complete preparations, your mind was only half working and you were only half focused, half inspired, half dedicated to your passion.

Learn to let out the past, if it bothers you in the present don’t try to amend it in the past, take a step now or forever keep your peace in silence. And find it within you that if you ever need professional help there is absolutely no shame in it. Consulting does not define you as a maniac, rather it gives you the confidence of taking a step towards loving yourself more. The choice is yours, bury the past or be bold to face it.

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